Mission Statement
In collaboration with local partners and all affected by abuse, TTD creates innovative responses and mobilizes our community to promote safety and challenge systems of oppression and violence.
Vision Statement
We envision a world where all people are safe, respected, and supported in their relationships and communities, where everyone’s basic needs are met and they are able to lead whole, fulfilling lives.
DEI Statement
Central to Through These Doors values is the work of challenging all systems of oppression and violence. TTD recognizes that we cannot work to end the oppression of Domestic Violence without addressing all forms of oppression. People who choose to use abusive tactics believe they have a right to limit the human and civil rights of the person or people they abuse; therefore domestic abuse is by its very nature an act of oppression. We recognize that all forms of oppression, including but not limited to racism, age and class prejudice, sexism, xenophobia, heterosexism, transphobia, and ableism* impact how survivors experience abuse. Therefore, holding ourselves and our community accountable to challenge these structures is a central and ongoing part of our advocacy.
The work of TTD is survivor-led and centers lived experiences. We acknowledge the decades of work of survivors and advocates that have led to our current place in the domestic abuse movement, while recognizing the ways in which the dominant voices of the movement neglected the experiences of many and further entrenched oppressive structures. As an organization of advocates and survivors, we are committed to listening to survivors and uplifting their voices to create a safe and liberated world.
*With recognition of intersectionality and the limits of language, we acknowledge individuals whose experiences exist outside of this list.
Our Values
Collective Action – As leaders in violence prevention and response, we catalyze community action and organizing to end oppression and violence.
Trauma-Informed Response – We recognize the many forms of trauma experienced by individuals and communities. We respond with empathy, compassion, and respect for self-determination.
Intentional Inclusivity – We celebrate the experiences of people of all ages and identities. We center the needs and voices of marginalized groups in our programs, services, and practices.
Authentic Connection – We engage in meaningful relationships that affirm the whole person, honoring our interdependence with each other and our environment.
Community Accountability – We call on community members, partners, leaders, and ourselves to respond, repair, and prevent the damage caused by violence.